This week's featured download is by the incredible
Northern Poetry aka Emily Ward. Here she is performing live at
Out of the Bedroom two weeks ago. Seriously,
put it on now while you're reading. it's good stuff.
The new album by Conscious Route is also very good and it's just out now, so check that out too, please, and buy the album as well. And spread the word too, don't keep all this good music to yourself. Here's some excellent
stuff from Sons of Scotland/Werd as well, while we're in that vein.
This guy looks interesting! |
Now, for the acoustic enthusiasts, i really want to recommend these three
exclusive collections by Peter Michael Rowan who is sadly leaving our shores for pastures new. You can help him to move by buying these three collections of his music,
click the link, see those three album covers in the right hand sidebar there? You should get each of them. They all feature Peter Michael Rowan but in addition they are all great little collections of music, featuring as well: The Legendary Graeme Mearns Band, Lindsay And The Storm, Lisa Rigby, The Wandering Swallows, The Houdini Box, Holly Tomas, and of course the incredible Fanattica.
Also just wanted to remind you that tonight (Sunday 26 August) the featured act at The Listening Room (at The Blue Blazer on Spittal Street at 8pm, and it's free) will be Kite And The Crane, who are also one of the featured acts at the next Edinburgh Unlimited gig which is on Thursday 13 September at The Meadow Bar, more details of that
on our facebook page very shortly.
Take care out there, and see you all somewhere in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
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