Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's christmas this month, i know because i attended a sumptuous and lovely christmas evening yesterday at the Voodoo Rooms. A lovely time was had by all, i am sure.
And on a similar subject, we've got our December Edinburgh Unlimited gig coming up tomorrow as well. It's on Thursday 13 December, it's upstairs in the Meadow Bar, it only costs £3 to get in and it features performances from Pol Arida, Caro Bridges, Andy Paul, and myself (Calum Carlyle) too.
Now, one other thing, here's the newest EXCLUSIVE download from Ed Unlimited, it's four songs from Gerrybhoy, recorded at last month's Unlimited gig. Click here to download for free, and i hope you enjoy Gerry's music as much as we all did on the night.
So while we're still on the subject of christmas, i have some christmas music for you. No wait! It's music you won't have heard, and that's the problem with all the christmas music you hate, it's because you're sick of it! Well, not so with this stuff, for example, here's this free EP by Fiction Family, i thought it was ace, see if you agree!
And here's a highly interesting christmas EP by Stephen Cope, check it out!
And you didn't hear it from me, but here's an 8 bit christmas album called Decembits by The Brothers Dizz. Put it on during christmas dinner with the relatives! :-)
Okay, see you at the gig (because who knows, the world might end later this month!), and hope you enjoy all the music.
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Hi there, whoever you are. I have a ton of music for you this week.
Hi there, whoever you are. I have a ton of music for you this week.
BUT before i start, you need to read this little article about yet another killing blow at live music from Edinburgh City Council. Okay, back to the scheduled programme...
Hardly anybody reads this blog so i see no need to flower it all up for you, i'll just give you the music.
There are plenty of cool trendy blogs that everybody reads, if you want to hang with the cool kids (and hear yet another singular track by someone you've already heard of). But no, you won't get that here. You'll get exclusive stuff you would never have heard otherwise, and tons of it too, and most people find that a huge turn off. Why? Because despite their protestations to the contrary most people (those who even listen to music) want more of the same old claptrap they've been listening to since they were teenagers. Whatever. I know that genuine new music is of outside interest, to a select few. My only hope is that one day (probably after i have long since become disillusioned and left this blog to its own devices, though hopefully not), some of those genuine music fans might find these little blog posts and enjoy the music i have linked to.
Okay here it comes:
The new single from Conscious Route is free to listen to and only a pound forty to download, for two songs. They're really good. There's a huge mix of styles, and yet the songs hang together really well. Check it out.
Matt Midgley's new EP is out too. He's a phenomenal and very unusual guitarist, i think you should listen to his stuff. Usually based in London he's got a gig in Edinburgh soon, you'll need to google a bit for the details though. This week, i am not doing gig listings since really, if hardly anybody's reading this actually this week, and most don't live in Edinburgh, the few that do will already know all the good gigs coming up. Okay, listen to Matt Midgley now. :-)
We had an incredibly good singer-songwriter performing at the last Edinburgh Unlimited gig called Gerrybhoy. He's really prolific and you can get over a hundred of his songs here! I hope to feature a recording of his live performance here soon as a featured download so watch this space, Gerry fans. This gives me the chance to say a quick thank you to the other performers from last month's Edinburgh Unlimited, Matt from Cancel The Astronauts, The Ferny Brackens, and Jo Hill. All were excellent, as i'm sure anyone who was in the audience will agree.
I wanted to mention End Of Neil to you as well, actually. He's this really good singer-songwriter from Clackmannanshire. Here's him doing a song and an interview for the Wee County Sessions, and he's got a soundcloud page as well. Well worth checking out.
Now, i was just reading Pitchfork and they have some interesting articles, this one about monetising music in the 21st century for example. But mainly my attention was caught by this article about Holly Herndon, and in particular this song, check it out i think it's very original.
Okay, next thing is Noisetrade are giving away a 28 song sampler, all you have to do is "like" their facebook page to get it. I haven't listened to it yet, though i have heard a good few past releases on Noisetrade and in my view the sampler is likely to be mostly very good, with a few things i think are a bit mainstream. In short, probably worth the free download at the very least. Suck it and see.
I think that's about enough for now. I've got a ton more stuff on my list but i'll tell you about it next week i think. Off to have my breakfast now. Hope you enjoy listening to this music, and maybe one day one reader might finally post a comment on this blog. I've given up thinking readers might discuss stuff, but one comment might be nice.
Tallyho and hopefully i'll see you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
PS - and i'll mention this properly next week, but put this in your diary will you, it's the next Unlimited showcase gig on Thursday the 13th of December, starring Peter Kasen, Turning Plates, Pol Arida and Calum Carlyle! :-)
BUT before i start, you need to read this little article about yet another killing blow at live music from Edinburgh City Council. Okay, back to the scheduled programme...
Hardly anybody reads this blog so i see no need to flower it all up for you, i'll just give you the music.
There are plenty of cool trendy blogs that everybody reads, if you want to hang with the cool kids (and hear yet another singular track by someone you've already heard of). But no, you won't get that here. You'll get exclusive stuff you would never have heard otherwise, and tons of it too, and most people find that a huge turn off. Why? Because despite their protestations to the contrary most people (those who even listen to music) want more of the same old claptrap they've been listening to since they were teenagers. Whatever. I know that genuine new music is of outside interest, to a select few. My only hope is that one day (probably after i have long since become disillusioned and left this blog to its own devices, though hopefully not), some of those genuine music fans might find these little blog posts and enjoy the music i have linked to.
Okay here it comes:
The new single from Conscious Route is free to listen to and only a pound forty to download, for two songs. They're really good. There's a huge mix of styles, and yet the songs hang together really well. Check it out.
Matt Midgley's new EP is out too. He's a phenomenal and very unusual guitarist, i think you should listen to his stuff. Usually based in London he's got a gig in Edinburgh soon, you'll need to google a bit for the details though. This week, i am not doing gig listings since really, if hardly anybody's reading this actually this week, and most don't live in Edinburgh, the few that do will already know all the good gigs coming up. Okay, listen to Matt Midgley now. :-)
We had an incredibly good singer-songwriter performing at the last Edinburgh Unlimited gig called Gerrybhoy. He's really prolific and you can get over a hundred of his songs here! I hope to feature a recording of his live performance here soon as a featured download so watch this space, Gerry fans. This gives me the chance to say a quick thank you to the other performers from last month's Edinburgh Unlimited, Matt from Cancel The Astronauts, The Ferny Brackens, and Jo Hill. All were excellent, as i'm sure anyone who was in the audience will agree.
I wanted to mention End Of Neil to you as well, actually. He's this really good singer-songwriter from Clackmannanshire. Here's him doing a song and an interview for the Wee County Sessions, and he's got a soundcloud page as well. Well worth checking out.
Now, i was just reading Pitchfork and they have some interesting articles, this one about monetising music in the 21st century for example. But mainly my attention was caught by this article about Holly Herndon, and in particular this song, check it out i think it's very original.
Okay, next thing is Noisetrade are giving away a 28 song sampler, all you have to do is "like" their facebook page to get it. I haven't listened to it yet, though i have heard a good few past releases on Noisetrade and in my view the sampler is likely to be mostly very good, with a few things i think are a bit mainstream. In short, probably worth the free download at the very least. Suck it and see.
I think that's about enough for now. I've got a ton more stuff on my list but i'll tell you about it next week i think. Off to have my breakfast now. Hope you enjoy listening to this music, and maybe one day one reader might finally post a comment on this blog. I've given up thinking readers might discuss stuff, but one comment might be nice.
Tallyho and hopefully i'll see you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
PS - and i'll mention this properly next week, but put this in your diary will you, it's the next Unlimited showcase gig on Thursday the 13th of December, starring Peter Kasen, Turning Plates, Pol Arida and Calum Carlyle! :-)
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Just a quick update, it's become more fortnightly than weekly at the moment, sorry! I DO have a ton of good music lined up to tell you about, exclusive stuff, live stuff, just good music, basically, but hardly have the time to type the blog posts! Still doing the Unlimited live gigs (last one was GREAT, thanks to everyone who was there as well as to Gerrybhoy, Matt from Cancel The Astronauts, Jo Hill and The Ferny Brackens!)
So yeah, next Unlimited blog post in a few days and i'll be giving you links to some properly great music from Edinburgh and further afield, as well as a gig guide of a few gigs in Edinburgh over the next few weeks with some CRACKING performers, you should probably get your diary out in time for that.
As i say, that'll be Friday or Saturday, in the meantime, keep your eyes on the FB page for intermittent updates, and check out this NEW single from Conscious Route as well, it's VERY good in my opinion.
So yeah, next Unlimited blog post in a few days and i'll be giving you links to some properly great music from Edinburgh and further afield, as well as a gig guide of a few gigs in Edinburgh over the next few weeks with some CRACKING performers, you should probably get your diary out in time for that.
As i say, that'll be Friday or Saturday, in the meantime, keep your eyes on the FB page for intermittent updates, and check out this NEW single from Conscious Route as well, it's VERY good in my opinion.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Friendly Vibes and Lovely Times
Hi there, okay have you got your ears warmed up? I have some new music for you to try out. Here we go...
So i played a gig on Thursday just past, it was super fab fun. The other performers were Caro Bridges and The River, who were incredible as usual, and Euan from Little Love and the Friendly Vibes doing a solo acoustic set. So here, click the link and check out their EP, it's free/pay what you like. Enjoy!
Next, i wanted to tell you about this EP from Dave Robertson. Dave Robertson's very familiar with Edinburgh though he's actually from Western Australia, and he's just come from New York, all so he can play a gig in Edinburgh, ladies and gentlemen! Well, he'll be performing at Out of the Bedroom on Saturday (10 Nov) and that's at Jenny Ha's, free admission. There will be open slots (turn up by 7:15-7:30pm to sign up) and Dave Robertson'll be playing a full set as well. Also, click the link for a listen to his new EP, it's also free/pay what you like. Enjoy! :¬) And remember Out of the Bedroom is a weekly open mic night, so go along any Saturday, they always have a good selection of performers on.
I also want to remind you to listen to some of the songs from the 50/90 website. Over the summer literally thousands of new songs were written by various songwriters, and you can listen (and in many cases) download them for free on the site. Each songwriter has a song page with all their songs on, too, for example check out: the new songs by Kiwafruit, Mousebulb, Mr Blitz, Stephen Cope, Angel In A Powersuit, Chip Withrow, TC Elliott, Expendable Friend and Gerrybhoy, and many others!
And that reminds me, the next Edinburgh Unlimited gig is on Thursday 15th of November. It stars: Jo Hill, Gerrybhoy, The Ferny Brackens, and Matthew from Cancel The Astronauts. A Unique lineup for only £3, don't miss it, it's upstairs in the Meadow Bar on Buccleuch Street at 8pm.
Okay, so please spread the word about the gig, please share, link, re-tweet this blog post, there's a TON of good music here, most if not all of it is free, or by donation, and really the silence is deafening. I can see the page view stats so i know you're reading this, is tyhere any chance you could give me some feedback on what music you like, what sort of things you'd like to see covered in this blog? I'll just keep pushing free/good music and gig info at you otherwise.
Right, take care, and i'll see you out there in Musicland,
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
So i played a gig on Thursday just past, it was super fab fun. The other performers were Caro Bridges and The River, who were incredible as usual, and Euan from Little Love and the Friendly Vibes doing a solo acoustic set. So here, click the link and check out their EP, it's free/pay what you like. Enjoy!
Next, i wanted to tell you about this EP from Dave Robertson. Dave Robertson's very familiar with Edinburgh though he's actually from Western Australia, and he's just come from New York, all so he can play a gig in Edinburgh, ladies and gentlemen! Well, he'll be performing at Out of the Bedroom on Saturday (10 Nov) and that's at Jenny Ha's, free admission. There will be open slots (turn up by 7:15-7:30pm to sign up) and Dave Robertson'll be playing a full set as well. Also, click the link for a listen to his new EP, it's also free/pay what you like. Enjoy! :¬) And remember Out of the Bedroom is a weekly open mic night, so go along any Saturday, they always have a good selection of performers on.
I also want to remind you to listen to some of the songs from the 50/90 website. Over the summer literally thousands of new songs were written by various songwriters, and you can listen (and in many cases) download them for free on the site. Each songwriter has a song page with all their songs on, too, for example check out: the new songs by Kiwafruit, Mousebulb, Mr Blitz, Stephen Cope, Angel In A Powersuit, Chip Withrow, TC Elliott, Expendable Friend and Gerrybhoy, and many others!
And that reminds me, the next Edinburgh Unlimited gig is on Thursday 15th of November. It stars: Jo Hill, Gerrybhoy, The Ferny Brackens, and Matthew from Cancel The Astronauts. A Unique lineup for only £3, don't miss it, it's upstairs in the Meadow Bar on Buccleuch Street at 8pm.
Okay, so please spread the word about the gig, please share, link, re-tweet this blog post, there's a TON of good music here, most if not all of it is free, or by donation, and really the silence is deafening. I can see the page view stats so i know you're reading this, is tyhere any chance you could give me some feedback on what music you like, what sort of things you'd like to see covered in this blog? I'll just keep pushing free/good music and gig info at you otherwise.
Right, take care, and i'll see you out there in Musicland,
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Free music from Edinburgh, the Lothians and Beyond!
Hiya folks!
So i'm playing a gig tonight (Saturday 27 October) at The Kilderkin, courtesy of Out of the Bedroom. It's free, and it starts at 8pm, hope to see you there. And if you can't be there (or even if you can) then download the official Calum Carlyle Android mobile app! Do it now! And remember to play my music loudly on a bus, if you can, let's show those tasteless teens what real music sounds like! No, seriously, get the app, listen to my music on the go, and have a good one. And if you have got some other type of phone device, you should find that www.calumcarlyle.co.uk is optimised for 3G mobile viewing as well, so everyone's included!
What else? Well, i do have some free music for you as well, and it's really good quality sa polish your ears and point them this way.
First of all here's a song by Roisin Russell that i think is REALLY good, it's called Barriers. Check it out, and check out her other songs as well.
Next i want to mention this sumptuous six song collection from Gerrybhoy. He's playing live at the next Edinburgh Unlimited event (at The Meadow Bar at 8pm on Thursday 15th of November) but if you want to hear a bit of his music in advance, now's your chance, he's just released a FREE mini album of songs co-written with the excellent Tina M, one of my favourite lyricists, i must admit. Check it out and do your ears a favour.
Now, i have seen a couple of other great little blog posts this week, so rather than do a rant (which is what i was going to do) about the state of music today etc, i'll let you read these excellent little missives, first here's Claire from Glasgow PodcArt having her say about Industry Wankers.Succinct and to the point.
Next, Kim o' The Concrete Jungle told me about this article about how listeners' musical tastes have changed over the decades, it's a great fun read.
And that's it really, i could blah on about the best open mics, my suggested gig list etc but i have mentioned the open mics recently (scroll down the blog for that) and i am sure you have events in your Facebook just like i do so...
See you all next week in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
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Calum Carlyle on your phone! |
What else? Well, i do have some free music for you as well, and it's really good quality sa polish your ears and point them this way.
First of all here's a song by Roisin Russell that i think is REALLY good, it's called Barriers. Check it out, and check out her other songs as well.
Next i want to mention this sumptuous six song collection from Gerrybhoy. He's playing live at the next Edinburgh Unlimited event (at The Meadow Bar at 8pm on Thursday 15th of November) but if you want to hear a bit of his music in advance, now's your chance, he's just released a FREE mini album of songs co-written with the excellent Tina M, one of my favourite lyricists, i must admit. Check it out and do your ears a favour.
Now, i have seen a couple of other great little blog posts this week, so rather than do a rant (which is what i was going to do) about the state of music today etc, i'll let you read these excellent little missives, first here's Claire from Glasgow PodcArt having her say about Industry Wankers.Succinct and to the point.
Next, Kim o' The Concrete Jungle told me about this article about how listeners' musical tastes have changed over the decades, it's a great fun read.
And that's it really, i could blah on about the best open mics, my suggested gig list etc but i have mentioned the open mics recently (scroll down the blog for that) and i am sure you have events in your Facebook just like i do so...
See you all next week in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
calum carlyle,
Roisin Russell,
Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, UK
Sunday, 21 October 2012
New music from both sides of the globe!
So. I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks, really. I have been busy. Mainly writing and recording with The Urban Folk Crowd, and trying to get the various bits and pieces organised for the Edinburgh Unlimited monthly events. Next one of those is on Thursday 15th of November by the way, with Jo Hill, The Ferny Brackens, Gerrybhoy and Matt from Cancel The Astronauts. That's at The Meadow Bar at 8pm, and it's only £3 admission.
Now, again, i usually like to give you some exclusive music, but it takes me a lot of time to sift through the various music i've recorded out there in Musicland, and to contact the artistes before hand and to be honest i haven't a lot of faith that many people are downloading the music i put up, or even reading this blog, so it's kind of a disincentive to take time to do that, but never fear, i still have some excellent music for you, that you probably haven't heard of, even though it's not technically "exclusive".
By the way, send me an email, comment on this blog, or on the FB page, to let me know you're reading, and more importantly listening, and it'll spur me on to get some more properly exclusive music ready for your ears. I feel like i'm losing the war against apathy at the moment, and your comments will certainly help tip the scales.
Right, here's the new EP by Stephen Cope, he's one of my favourite singer-songwriters that i've heard on the web, and he's just bbrought out this EP "five songs written by the soul of the earth" - it's not free to download, but it is only $4, and it's free to listen, so check it out, i think it's really good and i hope you do too.
Next thing i was going to tell you about this awesome sort of psychedelic world/folk music album i just found out about, it's from 2007 and it's a self titled LP from Voice Of The Seven Woods but i can't find anywhere online where you can download it, and to be honest i don't really know how it got on my hard drive! But it's really good, so if you can find it anywhere then do get it if you can. And if you do find it, please post here in the comments saying where!
Tell you what, instead i'll give you the link to this EP by Blasfima Sinna and Conscious Route - it's a free download, but anyway check it out, you'll hear the goodness for yourself. Here's a review of the EP in case you need any more convincing.
And also, do get out of the house and go to some gigs. I know it's getting on for winter but seriously, you only live once. In fact come to my next gig this Saturday, it's free, i'm playing the featured act slot at "Out Of The Bedroom". Hope to see you there.
Anyway, i've got to get on, but yes, please let me know in the comments, FB page, whatever, if this blog is in any way improving your life, and i'll be back here next week, this time with some exclusive music you won't be able to get anywhere else.
See you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Now, again, i usually like to give you some exclusive music, but it takes me a lot of time to sift through the various music i've recorded out there in Musicland, and to contact the artistes before hand and to be honest i haven't a lot of faith that many people are downloading the music i put up, or even reading this blog, so it's kind of a disincentive to take time to do that, but never fear, i still have some excellent music for you, that you probably haven't heard of, even though it's not technically "exclusive".
By the way, send me an email, comment on this blog, or on the FB page, to let me know you're reading, and more importantly listening, and it'll spur me on to get some more properly exclusive music ready for your ears. I feel like i'm losing the war against apathy at the moment, and your comments will certainly help tip the scales.
Right, here's the new EP by Stephen Cope, he's one of my favourite singer-songwriters that i've heard on the web, and he's just bbrought out this EP "five songs written by the soul of the earth" - it's not free to download, but it is only $4, and it's free to listen, so check it out, i think it's really good and i hope you do too.
Next thing i was going to tell you about this awesome sort of psychedelic world/folk music album i just found out about, it's from 2007 and it's a self titled LP from Voice Of The Seven Woods but i can't find anywhere online where you can download it, and to be honest i don't really know how it got on my hard drive! But it's really good, so if you can find it anywhere then do get it if you can. And if you do find it, please post here in the comments saying where!
Tell you what, instead i'll give you the link to this EP by Blasfima Sinna and Conscious Route - it's a free download, but anyway check it out, you'll hear the goodness for yourself. Here's a review of the EP in case you need any more convincing.
And also, do get out of the house and go to some gigs. I know it's getting on for winter but seriously, you only live once. In fact come to my next gig this Saturday, it's free, i'm playing the featured act slot at "Out Of The Bedroom". Hope to see you there.
Anyway, i've got to get on, but yes, please let me know in the comments, FB page, whatever, if this blog is in any way improving your life, and i'll be back here next week, this time with some exclusive music you won't be able to get anywhere else.
See you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, UK
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Open Mics and Free Music from Denmark!
Hi and sorry this week's blog post is so late (or maybe it's now early!), i had rehearsals and gigs and so on all weekend! Shame you didn't come along to my gig at The Ale House on Sunday mind you, there were about ten people
there but it was great fun, and i thoroughly enjoyed it anyway. Hope you can make it to one of my gigs in future though, please check out www.calumcarlyle.co.uk for live gig listings. They're all in Edinburgh though, my apologies to those of you that are a bit further afield!
Now, this week i haven't got anything totally exclusive for you, but i do have a link to a free downloadable EP that has just come out that you probably haven't heard before, by Silent People, so hope you enjoy that.
And i also want to remind you to come along to our next Edinburgh Unlimited event which is this Thursday at 8pm! In fact here are the details of the next three Edinburgh Unlimited events:
On Thursday October 11th, upstairs in The Meadow Bar:
Dave Keir, Cera Impala, The Urban Folk Crowd, and Jamie & Shoony will be providing the entertainments this week, so it should be a blisteringly impressive night i think. All this for only £3 and it's doors open at 8pm, so get there promptly to ensure you get a good seat (in fact, let's be honest, to ensure you get a seat!)
On Thursday November 15th, upstairs in The Meadow Bar:
The Ferny Brackens, Jo Hill, and Gerry Bhoy will entertain you, and there will be a cheeky fifteen minute set from Matt of Cancel The Astronauts as well. All this for only £3 and the doors open at 8pm.
On Thursday 13th December, upstairs in The Meadow Bar:
Peter Kasen, The Sunday Republic, Turning Plates, and Calum Carlyle will all entertain you for the tremendously low price of £3, and again doors open at 8pm.
And while i have your attention let me inform you of some of the best open mic nights in Edinburgh. It can be difficult to know which ones are a good night out, but here are a couple of my recommendations for any music fan:
Out of the Bedroom is on every Saturday from 8pm till 11pm at The Kilderkin near the bottom of The Royal Mile (on the Canongate), get there for 7:15pm if you're a performer, and it's songwriters only, always a good night. There is often a featured performer as well, someone the committee have asked to play a half hour slot at the night. Free admission.
The Listening Room is on every Sunday night at The Blue Blazer on the corner of Bread and Spittal streets near Lothian Road, from 8pm till 10pm, and the latter half of this is usually a featured performer as well. Free admission.
There is another very nice little open mic night on Wednesdays at the "I Heart Cafe" near the top of Leith Walk as well, on Wednesdays from 7pm to 10pm, it's quite informal, but they have a really good vibe there, it's fairly easy to find it's on the same side as the SYHA youth hostel on Leith Walk, but a few doors further down.
So take care out there in Musicland and we hope to see you back next month at Edinburgh Unlimited. Tell all your friends as well, please, if they like music.
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
http://edinburghunlimited. blogspot.co.uk
www.facebook.com/ EdinburghUnlimited
Now, this week i haven't got anything totally exclusive for you, but i do have a link to a free downloadable EP that has just come out that you probably haven't heard before, by Silent People, so hope you enjoy that.
And i also want to remind you to come along to our next Edinburgh Unlimited event which is this Thursday at 8pm! In fact here are the details of the next three Edinburgh Unlimited events:
On Thursday October 11th, upstairs in The Meadow Bar:
Dave Keir, Cera Impala, The Urban Folk Crowd, and Jamie & Shoony will be providing the entertainments this week, so it should be a blisteringly impressive night i think. All this for only £3 and it's doors open at 8pm, so get there promptly to ensure you get a good seat (in fact, let's be honest, to ensure you get a seat!)
On Thursday November 15th, upstairs in The Meadow Bar:
The Ferny Brackens, Jo Hill, and Gerry Bhoy will entertain you, and there will be a cheeky fifteen minute set from Matt of Cancel The Astronauts as well. All this for only £3 and the doors open at 8pm.
On Thursday 13th December, upstairs in The Meadow Bar:
Peter Kasen, The Sunday Republic, Turning Plates, and Calum Carlyle will all entertain you for the tremendously low price of £3, and again doors open at 8pm.
And while i have your attention let me inform you of some of the best open mic nights in Edinburgh. It can be difficult to know which ones are a good night out, but here are a couple of my recommendations for any music fan:
Out of the Bedroom is on every Saturday from 8pm till 11pm at The Kilderkin near the bottom of The Royal Mile (on the Canongate), get there for 7:15pm if you're a performer, and it's songwriters only, always a good night. There is often a featured performer as well, someone the committee have asked to play a half hour slot at the night. Free admission.
The Listening Room is on every Sunday night at The Blue Blazer on the corner of Bread and Spittal streets near Lothian Road, from 8pm till 10pm, and the latter half of this is usually a featured performer as well. Free admission.
There is another very nice little open mic night on Wednesdays at the "I Heart Cafe" near the top of Leith Walk as well, on Wednesdays from 7pm to 10pm, it's quite informal, but they have a really good vibe there, it's fairly easy to find it's on the same side as the SYHA youth hostel on Leith Walk, but a few doors further down.
So take care out there in Musicland and we hope to see you back next month at Edinburgh Unlimited. Tell all your friends as well, please, if they like music.
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Lisa Rigby live at Out of the Bedroom! (free download)
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Lisa Rigby, and David Bowie |
Those songs were recorded live at Out of the Bedroom, Edinburgh's longest running open mic night, which also has a strict no-covers policy. OOTB has been taking a two week break recently but it's having a grand re-launch on Saturday 6 October at The Kilderkin near the bottom of The Royal Mile, that's at 8pm and it's 7:15pm-7:45pm for songwriters to sign up for a slot. Come along, it'll be awesome. And it's free.
Also, the Ale House are having another one of their four day music extravaganzas next weekend with a huge ton of fantastic performers all performing acoustically! Click the link, check out the list. Also, i'm playing! I'm playing at 6pm on Sunday (7 October) so please come along.I don't play many gigs and this is the first one this year i'll be bringing the twelve string guitar along to, so don't miss it. And it's free.
In addition to that i just wanted to mention i had a great time at Lorraine McCauley and the Borderlands' launch event at Coda Music yesterday, and they are doing another event on Saturday 13 October to celebrate the release of the CD too. That's at 5pm til 7pm so you can also get along to the second relaunched Out of the Bedroom immediately afterwards at Kilderkin on the Royal Mile.
Our next Edinburgh Unlimited event is on Thursday 11 October of course, featuring Jamie & Shoony, Cera Impala, Dave Keir, and The Urban Folk Crowd, for only £3 you need to come along to that as well.
And to think i was worried i wouldn't have enough stuff to tell you this week! Right, please put all that in your diary while you're listening to Lisa Rigby and i'll see you all out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, UK
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Peter Michael Rowan, Baldruin, Least Carpet and The Leg.
Hi folks, okay so last night was a big shindig at Kilderkin to say cheerio to Peter Michael Rowan who's moving away to Cumbria, it was awesome and tons of great performers were there, and you can still download Peter's going away EPs, but do it now because it's only till the end of September they'll be available.
Now, life has been whooshing past me a bit recently but there are a couple of free downloads that caught my ear this week, here's a free song by The Leg, an Edinburgh band on Song, By Toad records, hope you enjoy it.
Next i think you should have a listen to this split tape where Balruin do one side and Least Carpet do the other side. You have to get the sides separately from each band's website:
Here's the Baldruin tape side
Here's the Least Carpet tape side
Really, go and get them, and i hope you enjoy.
I'm sorry i'm not really up to doing a lot of music discussion this week, but i will be back next week with a bit more, and i'm hoping to do a run down of my favourite open mics next week too, so stay tuned pop pickers!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Now, life has been whooshing past me a bit recently but there are a couple of free downloads that caught my ear this week, here's a free song by The Leg, an Edinburgh band on Song, By Toad records, hope you enjoy it.
Next i think you should have a listen to this split tape where Balruin do one side and Least Carpet do the other side. You have to get the sides separately from each band's website:
Here's the Baldruin tape side
Here's the Least Carpet tape side
Really, go and get them, and i hope you enjoy.
I'm sorry i'm not really up to doing a lot of music discussion this week, but i will be back next week with a bit more, and i'm hoping to do a run down of my favourite open mics next week too, so stay tuned pop pickers!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Two Podcasts And A Lot Of Thank-Yous.
Hi folks. Well, this week i haven't got a new bootleg recording or an unheard of demo CD by some Edinburgh musician. PLEASE do go back through my previous posts though, there are a ton of links to good music, much of it free or very reasonably priced, and i am fairly sure you'll find stuff you like that you've not heard before.
Having said that, here are a couple of podcasts you could listen to, i recommend them, they have good music in them.
First of all here's the most recent Labelled Independent podcast, it has a ton of awesome bands... and a song by me! So i'm very grateful to be included along with such good musical company, go and check it out. :-)
And here's the most recent 50/90 Podcast, full of fresh songs written as part of the 50/90 songwriting challenge this summer. Check out their previous episodes too.
Also i want to say a HUGE thank you to everybody who came along to Edinburgh Unlimited on Thursday, it was awesome. Thanks go to the performers: Echo Boomer, Darren Hendrie, The Sunday Republic, and Kite And The Crane, all of whom were excellent. I'm already looking forward to the next one on October 11th featuring Jamie And Shoony, Cera Impala, Dave Keir, and The Urban Folk Crowd, and i hope to see you all there.
Hang on a minute, here's some free music you can get this week, it's five free tracks by Aimee Mann, check them out, she's good.
So yeah, that's about it for now i think, i'll be back next week with some genuine exclusive free downloads, so stick it in your diary and i'll see you all out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Having said that, here are a couple of podcasts you could listen to, i recommend them, they have good music in them.
First of all here's the most recent Labelled Independent podcast, it has a ton of awesome bands... and a song by me! So i'm very grateful to be included along with such good musical company, go and check it out. :-)
And here's the most recent 50/90 Podcast, full of fresh songs written as part of the 50/90 songwriting challenge this summer. Check out their previous episodes too.
Also i want to say a HUGE thank you to everybody who came along to Edinburgh Unlimited on Thursday, it was awesome. Thanks go to the performers: Echo Boomer, Darren Hendrie, The Sunday Republic, and Kite And The Crane, all of whom were excellent. I'm already looking forward to the next one on October 11th featuring Jamie And Shoony, Cera Impala, Dave Keir, and The Urban Folk Crowd, and i hope to see you all there.
Hang on a minute, here's some free music you can get this week, it's five free tracks by Aimee Mann, check them out, she's good.
So yeah, that's about it for now i think, i'll be back next week with some genuine exclusive free downloads, so stick it in your diary and i'll see you all out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Live gig coming up! Free music! and a NOT-NECESSARILY-ALCOHOLIC open mic night!
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Darren Thornberry - On The Blog |
Okay, well here's this week's featured download, it's a free four track EP from Thorn's Musical Journey. For those who don't know Darren Thornberry was a great mover and shaker on Edinburgh's acoustic scene, and was much loved by all. He moved to the US a couple of years ago and has been greatly missed, but here's his first ever band recording "Newtongrange", yours for free if you so choose.
Next i want to mention the upcoming Edinburgh Unlimited event, it's on Thursday the 13th of September at 8pm in the upstairs room of The Meadow Bar.
It's STILL ONLY £3 and for that you get to hear live performances from:
So yeah, tell everybody you know, and i'll see you there.
There are a ton of other things on in Edinburgh, as you all know. Facebook has the details. :-) I just found out about an open mic night at "I heart cafe" near the top of Leith Walk on Wednesdays from 7pm to 10pm as well, it's a lovely venue and it's a CAFE which means you DON'T have to buy alcoholic drinks to take part. See you there on Wednesday and at Edinburgh Unlimited on Thursday, then.
Wait! one more thing, i heard this band called Lindby recently from the states. check them out, i like their stuff, it's quite upvibe. Hope you enjoy it too. Please consider buying their album as well, in the grand scheme of things that's a very fair price and you've probably spent a lot more than that on electricity, bus fares or food this week so get your wallet out for music as well. And while you've got that wallet out, please buy some of my music as well! ;-) (cheeky!)
Okay, see you all out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Friday, 31 August 2012
Live gigs coming up! Cancel The Astronauts review! And more free downloads!
Hi there again. Tons of free downloadable music for you this week but TONS of info as well, so please read to the bottom. Thank you! :-)
This week's free and exclusive download is by The Legendary Graeme Mearns Band, captured digitally for posterity as they performed in front of an audience of millions at the scenic Ross Bandstand in Edinburgh's Princes Street Gardens this August.
Click here to listen and download this live bootleg recording, and remember, it is very much a bootleg, but don't despair, those of you who prefer more polished recordings. The band's album "Into The Hollows" is available as well on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, and eMusic.
Let me just mention again Peter Michael Rowan's three excellent compilation albums, of songs on which he appears! You can buy the three collections singly for £4 each, or for £1 a song, and every purchase will go towards the helping-Peter-to-move fund, so do your ears a favour and get your wallet out for some good music.
I also wanted to say thanks to the Labelled Independent podcast for including one of my songs in their latest episode. Check it out, there are eleven bands on that show as well, all of them very good. Hope you enjoy!
I've got a couple of LIVE GIGS to tell you about this time actually, please stick these in your diary and come along for some awesome music
First i want to tell you about a gig that's happening on Tuesday 4 September at The Voodoo Rooms. It's Matt Norris and The Moon, Collar Up, Al Shields, and Three Little Birds, it's £10 admission, and it's part of STV's appeal to raise money for children living in poverty. And that's at 7pm on Tuesday 4 September in The Voodoo Rooms ballroom.
Slightly unfortunately on the same night (Tuesday 4 September) at 7pm, a new Edinburgh open mic is being trialed upstairs at the recently refurbished Artisan Bar at 35-36 London Rd., EH7 5BQ, in Abbeyhill, corner of Montrose Terrace between Easter Rd and Meadowbank Stadium. PA and three mics supplied. Bring your own instruments. If successful, it could become a regular gig and a valuable addition to the Edinburgh open mic scene. Please turn up and help to get it off to a good start!
Next, let me mention The Return of Edinburgh Unlimited at The Meadow Bar on Thursday 13th of September. The acts will be: Echo Boomer (listen here), Kite And The Crane (listen here), The Sunday Republic (listen here), and Darren Hendrie (listen here). All this for only £3 ladies and gentlemen! tell everyone you know please, and here's the FB invite to forward round to everybody as well, please, if you could. Please note our new venue! It's in the upstairs room at The Meadow Bar on Buccleuch Street in Edinburgh, and that's on Thursday the 13th of September at 8pm.
I might also mention that Out Of The Bedroom (Edinburgh's longest running open mic night and songwriter community at large) is going through a lot of changes at the moment, in terms of a change of personnel running the nights, and a possible change of time and day as well. I would recommend those of you who are interested in the future of OOTB to get back in touch with them and keep your finger on the pulse for future developments. For the immediate future though, OOTB is still on Saturday nights at The Maltings/Montague Bar at 8pm (7:15pm for performers to sign up).
Cancel The Astronauts - Animal Love Match (2012)
Cancel The Astronauts are an Edinburgh (and Markinch!) band with a few very notable songs behind them, and they're releasing their new album "Animal Love Match" on 17 September. I had a listen to it and here's what i thought:
This is quite a diverse album, and yet there are a lot of stylistic elements that hold it all together. I imagine this band would be great live because they've got a certain youthful energy, and their songs all sound different to each other! It would be easy for me to namedrop all the bands i think they might sound a bit like but, no, you may as well just judge these guys' music on it's own merit. They're doing their own thing, and that thing is a very human sounding kind of music (pop music? rock music? who knows?). I mean i could say "Explosions In The Sky invite James and Arcade Fire round for tea" but what that would tell you very little about the actual music.
The album includes the singles Seven Vices and Intervention, and those songs both work well on the album, though i did feel like the other songs maybe stretched a bit further creatively and experimentally, and were more like a cohesive whole. It's not unusual for single tracks to stand out on an album but i think in this case the album stands out from the single tracks in some ways. As i said the album has quite a lot going for it, it has an eclectic selection of songs on it, it has that energetic undercurrent, it has good songwriting and song arrangements, every element's been thought about on this album, as with every good album. It's a great journey. It's nice that this is an album, rather than just a collection of songs.
I actually thought this album got more fun to listen to as i got further through it, and i suspect it'll get more enjoyable with repeated listens too. All in all, this album was a pleasure to listen to, and i'll certainly be listening to it again. I heartily recommend you buy this album, and keep your eyes peeled in case Cancel The Astronauts are playing a gig near you soon.
Preorder "Animal Love Match" and you can also get some mysterious "goodies" from the band, album out 17 September 2012, and the album launch is at Sneaky Pete's in Edinburgh on 15 September.
So yeah, there's more music, and TONS of gigs big and small just go out and find them! More music stuff from me next week, see you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
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The Legendary Graeme Mearns |
Click here to listen and download this live bootleg recording, and remember, it is very much a bootleg, but don't despair, those of you who prefer more polished recordings. The band's album "Into The Hollows" is available as well on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, and eMusic.
Let me just mention again Peter Michael Rowan's three excellent compilation albums, of songs on which he appears! You can buy the three collections singly for £4 each, or for £1 a song, and every purchase will go towards the helping-Peter-to-move fund, so do your ears a favour and get your wallet out for some good music.
I also wanted to say thanks to the Labelled Independent podcast for including one of my songs in their latest episode. Check it out, there are eleven bands on that show as well, all of them very good. Hope you enjoy!
I've got a couple of LIVE GIGS to tell you about this time actually, please stick these in your diary and come along for some awesome music
First i want to tell you about a gig that's happening on Tuesday 4 September at The Voodoo Rooms. It's Matt Norris and The Moon, Collar Up, Al Shields, and Three Little Birds, it's £10 admission, and it's part of STV's appeal to raise money for children living in poverty. And that's at 7pm on Tuesday 4 September in The Voodoo Rooms ballroom.
Slightly unfortunately on the same night (Tuesday 4 September) at 7pm, a new Edinburgh open mic is being trialed upstairs at the recently refurbished Artisan Bar at 35-36 London Rd., EH7 5BQ, in Abbeyhill, corner of Montrose Terrace between Easter Rd and Meadowbank Stadium. PA and three mics supplied. Bring your own instruments. If successful, it could become a regular gig and a valuable addition to the Edinburgh open mic scene. Please turn up and help to get it off to a good start!
Next, let me mention The Return of Edinburgh Unlimited at The Meadow Bar on Thursday 13th of September. The acts will be: Echo Boomer (listen here), Kite And The Crane (listen here), The Sunday Republic (listen here), and Darren Hendrie (listen here). All this for only £3 ladies and gentlemen! tell everyone you know please, and here's the FB invite to forward round to everybody as well, please, if you could. Please note our new venue! It's in the upstairs room at The Meadow Bar on Buccleuch Street in Edinburgh, and that's on Thursday the 13th of September at 8pm.
I might also mention that Out Of The Bedroom (Edinburgh's longest running open mic night and songwriter community at large) is going through a lot of changes at the moment, in terms of a change of personnel running the nights, and a possible change of time and day as well. I would recommend those of you who are interested in the future of OOTB to get back in touch with them and keep your finger on the pulse for future developments. For the immediate future though, OOTB is still on Saturday nights at The Maltings/Montague Bar at 8pm (7:15pm for performers to sign up).
Cancel The Astronauts - Animal Love Match (2012)
Cancel The Astronauts are an Edinburgh (and Markinch!) band with a few very notable songs behind them, and they're releasing their new album "Animal Love Match" on 17 September. I had a listen to it and here's what i thought:
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Cancel The Astronauts, finishing first. |
The album includes the singles Seven Vices and Intervention, and those songs both work well on the album, though i did feel like the other songs maybe stretched a bit further creatively and experimentally, and were more like a cohesive whole. It's not unusual for single tracks to stand out on an album but i think in this case the album stands out from the single tracks in some ways. As i said the album has quite a lot going for it, it has an eclectic selection of songs on it, it has that energetic undercurrent, it has good songwriting and song arrangements, every element's been thought about on this album, as with every good album. It's a great journey. It's nice that this is an album, rather than just a collection of songs.
I actually thought this album got more fun to listen to as i got further through it, and i suspect it'll get more enjoyable with repeated listens too. All in all, this album was a pleasure to listen to, and i'll certainly be listening to it again. I heartily recommend you buy this album, and keep your eyes peeled in case Cancel The Astronauts are playing a gig near you soon.
Preorder "Animal Love Match" and you can also get some mysterious "goodies" from the band, album out 17 September 2012, and the album launch is at Sneaky Pete's in Edinburgh on 15 September.
So yeah, there's more music, and TONS of gigs big and small just go out and find them! More music stuff from me next week, see you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Shedloads of Top Quality New Music - download it now!
This week's featured download is by the incredible Northern Poetry aka Emily Ward. Here she is performing live at Out of the Bedroom two weeks ago. Seriously, put it on now while you're reading. it's good stuff.
The new album by Conscious Route is also very good and it's just out now, so check that out too, please, and buy the album as well. And spread the word too, don't keep all this good music to yourself. Here's some excellent stuff from Sons of Scotland/Werd as well, while we're in that vein.
Now, for the acoustic enthusiasts, i really want to recommend these three exclusive collections by Peter Michael Rowan who is sadly leaving our shores for pastures new. You can help him to move by buying these three collections of his music, click the link, see those three album covers in the right hand sidebar there? You should get each of them. They all feature Peter Michael Rowan but in addition they are all great little collections of music, featuring as well: The Legendary Graeme Mearns Band, Lindsay And The Storm, Lisa Rigby, The Wandering Swallows, The Houdini Box, Holly Tomas, and of course the incredible Fanattica.
Also just wanted to remind you that tonight (Sunday 26 August) the featured act at The Listening Room (at The Blue Blazer on Spittal Street at 8pm, and it's free) will be Kite And The Crane, who are also one of the featured acts at the next Edinburgh Unlimited gig which is on Thursday 13 September at The Meadow Bar, more details of that on our facebook page very shortly.
Take care out there, and see you all somewhere in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
The new album by Conscious Route is also very good and it's just out now, so check that out too, please, and buy the album as well. And spread the word too, don't keep all this good music to yourself. Here's some excellent stuff from Sons of Scotland/Werd as well, while we're in that vein.
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This guy looks interesting! |
Also just wanted to remind you that tonight (Sunday 26 August) the featured act at The Listening Room (at The Blue Blazer on Spittal Street at 8pm, and it's free) will be Kite And The Crane, who are also one of the featured acts at the next Edinburgh Unlimited gig which is on Thursday 13 September at The Meadow Bar, more details of that on our facebook page very shortly.
Take care out there, and see you all somewhere in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Free downloads, gig listings, and other goodies! Treat your ears!
Hi there, and welcome to this week's edition of Edinburgh Unlimited!
This week the free downloads are from Calum Carlyle. You all know him, but you probably don't know these songs, so listen, download and SHARE THE LINK with other music lovers. Yes, this week's free music is stunning and incredible etc, but there's FREE MUSIC here EVERY WEEK, so tell your friends, spread the weird, and come back every week for more at http://edinburghunlimited.blogspot.co.uk
Right, well while you're listening to that, let me tell you there's a ton of stuff on in Edinburgh at the moment...
Jamie & Shoony will be playing an Acoustic set tomorrow (SUN) Afternoon from 2pm @ The Speigelterrace on George St. - Edinburghs Festival Fringe! FREE Entry - so just turn up for a musical hangover cure
Also, there's this totally unsung but very fun night on through the festival called Acoustic Underground - click the link for a list of who's on when, but there are also tons of floorspots too from some of Edinburgh's most exciting performers, so if you can stay up till the middle of the night then get yer butts along there. Also, there should be crowds at Edinburgh's regular acoustic events such as Out Of The Bedroom and The Listening Room, it's very frustrating to see good nights undersubscribed, because there are a lot of very good performers doing their thing at these nights.
Here's another one, though this time only running through the Festival, it's Lach's Antihoot, which this year is free. It runs every night except Mondays from Aug 3 to 26 (with the 24th off). It's at the Counting House Ballroom (38 West Nicholson Street) beginning at midnight and running til 2am. Get there at 11:30 and meet Lach at the bar if you'd like to sign-up to perform.
Aaaand... here's somebody who i've known for years and he's had a great musical and personal influence on me, it's Dave Robertson, writing the eleventh of his twelve songs in twelve weeks. check them all out, eh?
And here's a song for you that i just heard, it's Straight Bars by Dillah ft Conscious Route. If you want to hear more of Conscious Route then come along to Acoustic Underground on Tuesday night. He and I will be doing some ACOUSTIC HIP HOP under the name of The Urban Folk Crowd. Yes, you read it right, acoustic hip hop. And it's free. Can't make it any easier than that, see you there or i'll know you're square!
also, just wanted to tell you about Music News Scotland's excellent online gig listings. There's not much to be said except they update them regularly so you'll always be able to see full gig listings on that page. Great stuff!
And that's about it for this week. Tune in next week when i'll be giving away even more free downloads from some excellent performer that i've heard somewhere.
Take it easy out there, and don't let the bullshit get in the way of the music! :-)
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
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Yes, that's Calum Carlyle |
This week the free downloads are from Calum Carlyle. You all know him, but you probably don't know these songs, so listen, download and SHARE THE LINK with other music lovers. Yes, this week's free music is stunning and incredible etc, but there's FREE MUSIC here EVERY WEEK, so tell your friends, spread the weird, and come back every week for more at http://edinburghunlimited.blogspot.co.uk
Right, well while you're listening to that, let me tell you there's a ton of stuff on in Edinburgh at the moment...
Jamie & Shoony will be playing an Acoustic set tomorrow (SUN) Afternoon from 2pm @ The Speigelterrace on George St. - Edinburghs Festival Fringe! FREE Entry - so just turn up for a musical hangover cure
Also, there's this totally unsung but very fun night on through the festival called Acoustic Underground - click the link for a list of who's on when, but there are also tons of floorspots too from some of Edinburgh's most exciting performers, so if you can stay up till the middle of the night then get yer butts along there. Also, there should be crowds at Edinburgh's regular acoustic events such as Out Of The Bedroom and The Listening Room, it's very frustrating to see good nights undersubscribed, because there are a lot of very good performers doing their thing at these nights.
Here's another one, though this time only running through the Festival, it's Lach's Antihoot, which this year is free. It runs every night except Mondays from Aug 3 to 26 (with the 24th off). It's at the Counting House Ballroom (38 West Nicholson Street) beginning at midnight and running til 2am. Get there at 11:30 and meet Lach at the bar if you'd like to sign-up to perform.
Aaaand... here's somebody who i've known for years and he's had a great musical and personal influence on me, it's Dave Robertson, writing the eleventh of his twelve songs in twelve weeks. check them all out, eh?
And here's a song for you that i just heard, it's Straight Bars by Dillah ft Conscious Route. If you want to hear more of Conscious Route then come along to Acoustic Underground on Tuesday night. He and I will be doing some ACOUSTIC HIP HOP under the name of The Urban Folk Crowd. Yes, you read it right, acoustic hip hop. And it's free. Can't make it any easier than that, see you there or i'll know you're square!
also, just wanted to tell you about Music News Scotland's excellent online gig listings. There's not much to be said except they update them regularly so you'll always be able to see full gig listings on that page. Great stuff!
And that's about it for this week. Tune in next week when i'll be giving away even more free downloads from some excellent performer that i've heard somewhere.
Take it easy out there, and don't let the bullshit get in the way of the music! :-)
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Saturday, 11 August 2012
EITS live in Edinburgh + much much more!
Hi there. So this week the free music is a little different in style. You know how usually i post sort of acoustic music, folk and pop etc? Well this time it's Texas rock ensemble Explosions In the Sky. I recorded their live performance at the HMV Picture House in Edinburgh last year and you can hear it right here on the internet (and download it for free of course). If you have heard of them, you'll need no convincing, if you haven't, press play and settle back. It's quite a good quality audience recording actually, and unlike other bootlegs of EITS this one doesn't have loud audience members conversing over the top of the music and whooping etc in all the quiet sections. Enjoy!
Well the Edinburgh Festival and fringe is on, so tons of stuff's happening. I've only been to two fringe things, both were great. One was the Barbershopera production of "The Three Musketeers" at the Pleasance. Very clever and very funny. The other was "Say Something", a boundary challenging dance/singing/music experience in the Dissection Room at Summerhall by H2 Dance.
And the other thing i went to was the Conscious Route album launch at Henry's on Thursday, it was great. Very bouncy atmosphere. If you missed it then get the album!
Oh yes and today i'll hopefully make it to Andrew O'Neill & Marc Burrows doing songs and stand up from The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing at the Canon's Gait at 7:15pm. I'll need to be quick if so though because i hope to make it to Out Of The Bedroom at The Montague Bar on St Leonards Street (which is free incidentally). It's open mic plus a featured act and this week the featured act is Northern Poetry, she's like acoustic hip hop poetry... Anyway, turn up if you can make it, it'll be good. Then i have to hotfoot it to The Kilderkin because i'm performing at 12:20am at the fantastic Acoustic Underground. And The absolutely blindingly good Dave Keir is playing on the same bill! And that's free as well! Hope to see you there at that one too, eh.
So yeah it's 2pm already, got to get moving. Look, tell everyone you know about this blog will you please? I'm giving away free music downloads every week and it breaks my heart that not everybody in the world's getting them, so pass on the word. Thanks!
Okay, take it easy, see you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
PS - and click the links! That's why i put them in there. Enrich your ears with music! :-)

And the other thing i went to was the Conscious Route album launch at Henry's on Thursday, it was great. Very bouncy atmosphere. If you missed it then get the album!
Oh yes and today i'll hopefully make it to Andrew O'Neill & Marc Burrows doing songs and stand up from The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing at the Canon's Gait at 7:15pm. I'll need to be quick if so though because i hope to make it to Out Of The Bedroom at The Montague Bar on St Leonards Street (which is free incidentally). It's open mic plus a featured act and this week the featured act is Northern Poetry, she's like acoustic hip hop poetry... Anyway, turn up if you can make it, it'll be good. Then i have to hotfoot it to The Kilderkin because i'm performing at 12:20am at the fantastic Acoustic Underground. And The absolutely blindingly good Dave Keir is playing on the same bill! And that's free as well! Hope to see you there at that one too, eh.
So yeah it's 2pm already, got to get moving. Look, tell everyone you know about this blog will you please? I'm giving away free music downloads every week and it breaks my heart that not everybody in the world's getting them, so pass on the word. Thanks!
Okay, take it easy, see you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
PS - and click the links! That's why i put them in there. Enrich your ears with music! :-)
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Free Music Downloads! (good ones!)
It's a sunny day and the Edinburgh Festival (and fringe(s)) have started.
But! You can still benefit from some good music to listen to in your down time. This week, i'm sort of cheating. I usually like to give you totally exclusive music that you can't get anywhere else, but i heard a few choice things this week, and i want to share those with you. You probably wouldn't have heard these otherwise, so it's still kind of okay! :-) Here we go!
Kite And The Crane are a band from Edinburgh who sent me a link to this song. It's really nice! Maybe we can get them to play at Edinburgh Unlimited someday. Anyway, go and listen to the song, and "like" them on FB.
The Anaesthetics are a band from Manchester, here's their FB page, but more importantly here's their music. The acoustic stuff is quite imaginative sort of anti-folk but then they do electric stuff too. Hope you enjoy anyway.
Miriam Crespo is a Switzerland based performer, and here she is playing a half hour set live in Switzerland! I heard of this set from a link on the Spanish Rock Shot FB page. Check it out!
Now i know you're all busy but please if you have any friends that like hearing good new music, then tell them about this blog. Do two at least, tell at least two friends this week, and the same next week etc. Let's get a sort of pyramid scheme (but in a good way!) of new music listeners on board. and if you're new to the blog, do two things:
1) check out the older posts, every one of them has free downloads in it
2) subscribe! Every future post will have free downloads in it too! :-)
Now, if you are in Edinburgh there are a few things on. Well, there are a ton of things on but there are a couple i want to mention. First of all at Henry's Cellar Bar on Thursday (9th of August) it's the LP launch for Conscious Route! Also featuring The Kennel Wages, Werd (SOS), Deeko (SOS), Combo Combo and DJ Miro. All this for only £4! And that starts at 8pm. Check out older posts on this blog for links to hear Conscious Route if you're not familar with his stuff.
I also wanted to mention Peter Michael Rowan's Acoustic Underground. It's on every night from 2345 onwards during the festival starting tonight. click the link and see who all's playing. This is all in the Kilderkin down the Holyrood end of the Royal Mile, and it's free too!
Oh yes, i also wanted to say a big thanks (or do we call it a shout out these days?) to Jason from Popcop for featuring my song Strange Skies in the jukebox on his site. Thanks! :-)
And you should check out his site anyway because it has a ton of good music on it too.
And thanks too to Scottish Fiction for playing Strange Skies this week on their radio show as well. :-)
Right, go and TELL PEOPLE about this blog, people who like music anyway.
And take care out there in Musicland! It's a fast and furious place!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
It's a sunny day and the Edinburgh Festival (and fringe(s)) have started.
But! You can still benefit from some good music to listen to in your down time. This week, i'm sort of cheating. I usually like to give you totally exclusive music that you can't get anywhere else, but i heard a few choice things this week, and i want to share those with you. You probably wouldn't have heard these otherwise, so it's still kind of okay! :-) Here we go!
Kite And The Crane are a band from Edinburgh who sent me a link to this song. It's really nice! Maybe we can get them to play at Edinburgh Unlimited someday. Anyway, go and listen to the song, and "like" them on FB.
The Anaesthetics are a band from Manchester, here's their FB page, but more importantly here's their music. The acoustic stuff is quite imaginative sort of anti-folk but then they do electric stuff too. Hope you enjoy anyway.
Miriam Crespo is a Switzerland based performer, and here she is playing a half hour set live in Switzerland! I heard of this set from a link on the Spanish Rock Shot FB page. Check it out!
Now i know you're all busy but please if you have any friends that like hearing good new music, then tell them about this blog. Do two at least, tell at least two friends this week, and the same next week etc. Let's get a sort of pyramid scheme (but in a good way!) of new music listeners on board. and if you're new to the blog, do two things:
1) check out the older posts, every one of them has free downloads in it
2) subscribe! Every future post will have free downloads in it too! :-)
Now, if you are in Edinburgh there are a few things on. Well, there are a ton of things on but there are a couple i want to mention. First of all at Henry's Cellar Bar on Thursday (9th of August) it's the LP launch for Conscious Route! Also featuring The Kennel Wages, Werd (SOS), Deeko (SOS), Combo Combo and DJ Miro. All this for only £4! And that starts at 8pm. Check out older posts on this blog for links to hear Conscious Route if you're not familar with his stuff.
I also wanted to mention Peter Michael Rowan's Acoustic Underground. It's on every night from 2345 onwards during the festival starting tonight. click the link and see who all's playing. This is all in the Kilderkin down the Holyrood end of the Royal Mile, and it's free too!
Oh yes, i also wanted to say a big thanks (or do we call it a shout out these days?) to Jason from Popcop for featuring my song Strange Skies in the jukebox on his site. Thanks! :-)
And you should check out his site anyway because it has a ton of good music on it too.
And thanks too to Scottish Fiction for playing Strange Skies this week on their radio show as well. :-)
Right, go and TELL PEOPLE about this blog, people who like music anyway.
And take care out there in Musicland! It's a fast and furious place!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Hi, how's it going? I'm going to start with the usual exhortation. In short: i really am giving away exclusive music downloads that you can't get anywhere else, and i'm doing it every week. I'm going to keep doing it till the end of 2012, but unless a ton of people sign up and download the stuff i'm not going to continue after that. So please tell people about this blog. This isn't about helping me out, it's not about boosting my ego, it's about getting good music into people's ears who like good music. Spread the word on facebook, twitter, whatever (pinterest, digg, i don't know, or you could just play the music to your friends and tell them where you got it)
And speaking of good music, here's some right now! A few years ago, when Out Of The Bedroom was in the basement of The Tron, a guy approached me on a night when i was hosting, introduced himself as Graham and gave me a CD with "SONGS" written on it. He said it didn't matter if i liked it since he'd probably never see me again anyway. I really liked the CD! The music's really good, and the lyrics have really got something to say as well. So the CD had ten songs on it and i'm sharing seven of them with you this week. Listen, download, play this music to people, it's good! And if you happen to know who Graham is, please let him know i liked his CD.
Okay, a couple of other things to mention this week, first of all Scottish urban artist Conscious Route has just released his album, his stuff is very much about the times we're living in now, and there's a lot of substance to the lyrics, so check it out, here's a review of the album by Pure Hip-Hop Heat and here's a song for you to listen to while you read the review. And don't be put off by the label "hip hop" (i know some people are!) - Just check it out and give it a chance.
Next is the upcoming album by Lorraine McCauley and the Borderlands. I am a huge fan of this band, and it looks like plenty of other people are as well. Anyway, they are asking for pledges to help them get their album released. check it out, and listen to a couple of their songs, here (top left sidebar, click the play button). It's what i would call original modern folk music, but again, like the hip hop music above, how can you really label good music? In the words of Charles Mingus: “There are two kinds of music. Good music, and the other kind.”
Okay, nobody's commented or emailed me at all about whether they want gig listings as part of this blog, so either nobody cares or nobody's reading. Prove me wrong and get in touch, with me and with each other, comment, retweet, and play the music to people. This is not me broadcasting to you, it's new music trying to escape the confines of the internet and into people's ears. Okay, that's your homework for the week, now off you go and i'll see you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
And speaking of good music, here's some right now! A few years ago, when Out Of The Bedroom was in the basement of The Tron, a guy approached me on a night when i was hosting, introduced himself as Graham and gave me a CD with "SONGS" written on it. He said it didn't matter if i liked it since he'd probably never see me again anyway. I really liked the CD! The music's really good, and the lyrics have really got something to say as well. So the CD had ten songs on it and i'm sharing seven of them with you this week. Listen, download, play this music to people, it's good! And if you happen to know who Graham is, please let him know i liked his CD.
Okay, a couple of other things to mention this week, first of all Scottish urban artist Conscious Route has just released his album, his stuff is very much about the times we're living in now, and there's a lot of substance to the lyrics, so check it out, here's a review of the album by Pure Hip-Hop Heat and here's a song for you to listen to while you read the review. And don't be put off by the label "hip hop" (i know some people are!) - Just check it out and give it a chance.
Next is the upcoming album by Lorraine McCauley and the Borderlands. I am a huge fan of this band, and it looks like plenty of other people are as well. Anyway, they are asking for pledges to help them get their album released. check it out, and listen to a couple of their songs, here (top left sidebar, click the play button). It's what i would call original modern folk music, but again, like the hip hop music above, how can you really label good music? In the words of Charles Mingus: “There are two kinds of music. Good music, and the other kind.”
Okay, nobody's commented or emailed me at all about whether they want gig listings as part of this blog, so either nobody cares or nobody's reading. Prove me wrong and get in touch, with me and with each other, comment, retweet, and play the music to people. This is not me broadcasting to you, it's new music trying to escape the confines of the internet and into people's ears. Okay, that's your homework for the week, now off you go and i'll see you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Tim Holehouse session free download and tons more besides!
I can't believe that was only a week! It went quick but it had a lot of stuff in it. I think in "summer" we try and fit in a whole year of stuff in scotland to make up for the rest of the time. Anyway, i'll start off with the free downloads. This week it's a proper treat for you because i've got a whole NINE TRACK session for you to download for FREE!
Tim Holehouse is always on tour and has been for over 3 years now, travelling mainly in Europe although have been to Iceland, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, and the USA.
After the 2010 release of his album Grit he's got a new record called Fighter coming up in the Autumn, his first fully acoustic record, recorded in one take in a 3 hour recording session, part one of a 3 album trilogy, so keep 'em peeled on his website.
Over a year ago Tim Holehouse was in Edinburgh playing a gig and he came back after to record this nine track acoustic session, i'm sure you'll agree he was on top form this evening. Listen in to this session. Only me and one other were there in person, and there were only fifty CD copies made at the time, so grab it now, it's EXCLUSIVE to Edinburgh Unlimited. Enjoy!
He's got a side project called Timothy C Holehouse as well, and we hope to showcase him at one of our Edinburgh Unlimited gigs early in 2013, keep reading in future weeks for more details.Tim will be playing at Elvis Shakespeare in Edinburgh on 26th of August though, i'll give you the details closer the time.
While i'm here, make sure you got the free downloads from the last few weeks too, i just noticed the metadata was a bit funny on the site for the Caro Bridges and Darcy DaSilva downloads so go and get them now if you have any doubts.
Second thing i wanted to mention is this track by Blasfima Sinna and Conscious Route that's just out. Conscious Route's got an album launch at Henry's on 9 Aug but again i'll give you the details next week. Here's the song in the meantime.
Now i know music bloggers tend to have their favourites. I have my favourites too, but that's not going to influence too much what i put in this blog i hope. If i hear some good music, i'll try to fit it in if i can. A few folk said they'd send me their music, so please feel free. And i REALLY encourage you to use the comments section in this blog, that's what it's for. Start a bit of community discussion. It's not all about what music i like, you know!
Wickerman Festival's on this weekend. Awesome, and a shame i'll be missing it again this year. :-( Never mind, we're not all made of money (and they've not asked me to play this year), BUT never mind, i am playing a gig on Sunday at The Listening Room, which happens every week at The Blue Blazer. You should come. It's free, there's an open mic from 8pm to 9pm and a featured act from 9pm to 10pm. And this week the featured act is me! I'll have some copies of my new single with me and will be doing a duet for the second time ever with Caro Bridges, which i'm quite excited about.
Also, if you're in Edinburgh and not at the Wickerman tonight then come to Out Of The Bedroom, it's an open mic plus featured act as well, and it's Tina Avery who's featured tonight, 8pm start, free admission, and it's at The Montague Bar on St Leonards Street.
Please let me know if you want gig listings by the way, some people said they're really useful, and some said they're not keen on them. I'll try and keep it to just a couple per week, though i think.
Also i really need you to pimp this blog to everybody you know. You don't have to live in Edinburgh to enjoy good music and Edinburgh Unlimited doesn't have a publicity department so we need YOU the lovers of good music, the enjoyers of passionate art, to spread the word. Repost on your FB page, retweet, communicate with each other in the comments and get it happening, folks! The music scene is too spread out, and it's too us and them as well. There's no such thing as audience and performers, we're all PEOPLE so get involved and just have a good time doing it! So yeah, let me know what you want to see more of, and less of, in this blog too, please.
So okay i'll take my leave of you now, till next week. Not sure who the free downloads are coming from next week, as i say a few people said they'd send me stuff, and i do have a lot of live recordings of my own to wade through so we'll see what i can arrange.
Keep on rocking!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Tim Holehouse is always on tour and has been for over 3 years now, travelling mainly in Europe although have been to Iceland, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, and the USA.
After the 2010 release of his album Grit he's got a new record called Fighter coming up in the Autumn, his first fully acoustic record, recorded in one take in a 3 hour recording session, part one of a 3 album trilogy, so keep 'em peeled on his website.
Over a year ago Tim Holehouse was in Edinburgh playing a gig and he came back after to record this nine track acoustic session, i'm sure you'll agree he was on top form this evening. Listen in to this session. Only me and one other were there in person, and there were only fifty CD copies made at the time, so grab it now, it's EXCLUSIVE to Edinburgh Unlimited. Enjoy!
He's got a side project called Timothy C Holehouse as well, and we hope to showcase him at one of our Edinburgh Unlimited gigs early in 2013, keep reading in future weeks for more details.Tim will be playing at Elvis Shakespeare in Edinburgh on 26th of August though, i'll give you the details closer the time.
While i'm here, make sure you got the free downloads from the last few weeks too, i just noticed the metadata was a bit funny on the site for the Caro Bridges and Darcy DaSilva downloads so go and get them now if you have any doubts.
Second thing i wanted to mention is this track by Blasfima Sinna and Conscious Route that's just out. Conscious Route's got an album launch at Henry's on 9 Aug but again i'll give you the details next week. Here's the song in the meantime.
Now i know music bloggers tend to have their favourites. I have my favourites too, but that's not going to influence too much what i put in this blog i hope. If i hear some good music, i'll try to fit it in if i can. A few folk said they'd send me their music, so please feel free. And i REALLY encourage you to use the comments section in this blog, that's what it's for. Start a bit of community discussion. It's not all about what music i like, you know!
Wickerman Festival's on this weekend. Awesome, and a shame i'll be missing it again this year. :-( Never mind, we're not all made of money (and they've not asked me to play this year), BUT never mind, i am playing a gig on Sunday at The Listening Room, which happens every week at The Blue Blazer. You should come. It's free, there's an open mic from 8pm to 9pm and a featured act from 9pm to 10pm. And this week the featured act is me! I'll have some copies of my new single with me and will be doing a duet for the second time ever with Caro Bridges, which i'm quite excited about.
Also, if you're in Edinburgh and not at the Wickerman tonight then come to Out Of The Bedroom, it's an open mic plus featured act as well, and it's Tina Avery who's featured tonight, 8pm start, free admission, and it's at The Montague Bar on St Leonards Street.
Please let me know if you want gig listings by the way, some people said they're really useful, and some said they're not keen on them. I'll try and keep it to just a couple per week, though i think.
Also i really need you to pimp this blog to everybody you know. You don't have to live in Edinburgh to enjoy good music and Edinburgh Unlimited doesn't have a publicity department so we need YOU the lovers of good music, the enjoyers of passionate art, to spread the word. Repost on your FB page, retweet, communicate with each other in the comments and get it happening, folks! The music scene is too spread out, and it's too us and them as well. There's no such thing as audience and performers, we're all PEOPLE so get involved and just have a good time doing it! So yeah, let me know what you want to see more of, and less of, in this blog too, please.
So okay i'll take my leave of you now, till next week. Not sure who the free downloads are coming from next week, as i say a few people said they'd send me stuff, and i do have a lot of live recordings of my own to wade through so we'll see what i can arrange.
Keep on rocking!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Spread the word... music is your friend
Hi everybody, seriously, spread the word. Subscribe to this blog and get everybody you know who loves music to do the same. There's not a lot of point me doing weekly blog posts about new music unless people that enjoy new music are reading, and more importantly, listening.
That said, this week i have two things to really mention. First of all, i released my new single this week. It has the amazing Susanna Mulvihill on piano and backing vocals, and the producer Daniel Davis has just been nominated as best producer in the Scottish New Music Awards 2012 (and you should click the link and vote for him. Go on, do it now while you remember, i'll wait...) And the front cover for the single is by Nicole Strachan.
So yes, here's the single, please, listen, download, enjoy. And play it to everyone you know as well. I don't get played on the radio, so i need YOU to spread this music around for me. That's what independent music's about, eh? Doing it for ourselves, and EACH OTHER. Apathy is the enemy, and music is your friend.
So the other thing i wanted to mention is that 50/90 is now in full swing. I haven't had much chance to write a lot of songs yet myself, or even do much listening, however what i have listened to has been very high quality. Here are six of the best songs i have heard so far on 50/90, and remember, these songs did not exist a week or two ago! They're all brand new songs. You and possibly about ten other people will have heard these, if that. Properly exclusive, and what's more they're all free to download. If you like what you hear then do investigate the rest of the music on the 50/90 site, just click people's names etc on their site, and try out the 50/90 jukebox as well.
* Expendable Friend - Be That Person
* Leslie - Unconsecrated Ground
* Dan Vaillancourt - We Are A Poem
* Ray Boneor & Tine M - Hit Song
* Anonymouse - Many Weeks
* Kiwafruit - Waiting For Love
And lo and behold, Daniel Davis, who i mentioned above, is also doing 50/90 this year, check out this instrumental piece that he's just recently written too.
Also, here are a couple of podcasts featuring music from 50/90 and FAWM that you will probably enjoy thoroughly as well, i hope:
50/90 Podcast # 10
50/90 Podcast # 11
Ah well, there's a ton of music happening as usual in Edinburgh, i think everybody's preparing for the Festival, when everything goes crazy and foreign people turn up in their droves to perform to other foreign people who have turned up to be performed to. In the meantime Out of the Bedroom and The Listening Room are still ongoing every Saturday and Sunday night and to me, that's where the good music is. I have NO idea why those places aren't packed out every single week.
Okay, that's it for this week, i'm off to have a bath in liquid music, and i hope you might think about doing the same! :-)
Next week i'll be giving away an exclusive no-longer-available solo session recorded in Edinburgh by the esteemed Tim Holehouse so subscribe now so you don't miss it!
See you out there in Musicland....
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
That said, this week i have two things to really mention. First of all, i released my new single this week. It has the amazing Susanna Mulvihill on piano and backing vocals, and the producer Daniel Davis has just been nominated as best producer in the Scottish New Music Awards 2012 (and you should click the link and vote for him. Go on, do it now while you remember, i'll wait...) And the front cover for the single is by Nicole Strachan.
So yes, here's the single, please, listen, download, enjoy. And play it to everyone you know as well. I don't get played on the radio, so i need YOU to spread this music around for me. That's what independent music's about, eh? Doing it for ourselves, and EACH OTHER. Apathy is the enemy, and music is your friend.
So the other thing i wanted to mention is that 50/90 is now in full swing. I haven't had much chance to write a lot of songs yet myself, or even do much listening, however what i have listened to has been very high quality. Here are six of the best songs i have heard so far on 50/90, and remember, these songs did not exist a week or two ago! They're all brand new songs. You and possibly about ten other people will have heard these, if that. Properly exclusive, and what's more they're all free to download. If you like what you hear then do investigate the rest of the music on the 50/90 site, just click people's names etc on their site, and try out the 50/90 jukebox as well.
* Expendable Friend - Be That Person
* Leslie - Unconsecrated Ground
* Dan Vaillancourt - We Are A Poem
* Ray Boneor & Tine M - Hit Song
* Anonymouse - Many Weeks
* Kiwafruit - Waiting For Love
And lo and behold, Daniel Davis, who i mentioned above, is also doing 50/90 this year, check out this instrumental piece that he's just recently written too.
Also, here are a couple of podcasts featuring music from 50/90 and FAWM that you will probably enjoy thoroughly as well, i hope:
50/90 Podcast # 10
50/90 Podcast # 11
Ah well, there's a ton of music happening as usual in Edinburgh, i think everybody's preparing for the Festival, when everything goes crazy and foreign people turn up in their droves to perform to other foreign people who have turned up to be performed to. In the meantime Out of the Bedroom and The Listening Room are still ongoing every Saturday and Sunday night and to me, that's where the good music is. I have NO idea why those places aren't packed out every single week.
Okay, that's it for this week, i'm off to have a bath in liquid music, and i hope you might think about doing the same! :-)
Next week i'll be giving away an exclusive no-longer-available solo session recorded in Edinburgh by the esteemed Tim Holehouse so subscribe now so you don't miss it!
See you out there in Musicland....
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Friday, 6 July 2012
Neofolk + more - free downloads...
Hi folks and welcome to the second episode of Edinburgh Unlimited online! Click the links, and please tell ALL your music loving friends to subscribe to the blog. I take time and effort to put a bunch of good music in the blog, and i want as many other people to get the enjoyment from this music that i have as well so spread the word!
Right, the first thing i want to mention this week is the next Edinburgh Unlimited gig. It's special for a number of reasons, firstly it will be the LAST one to be held at The Third Door. It has been good at The Third Door, and it's enabled us to put on some electric bands and suchlike, but we'll be moving on to the Meadow Bar in September, so keep your eyes open for that, on this blog or on our FB page.
So here are the details: It's at The Third Door (which is next door to Negociants), it's at 8pm (don't be late because the music's starting at 8:15pm) and it's on Wednesday 11 July. It only costs £3 to get in, and the performers this month are: Caro Bridges (doing a special solo acoustic set for us), Katie Forbes (from the excellent band The Dull Fudds), Calum Carlyle (yes it's me, and i'll be launching my new single Strange Skies, you can get a FREE copy if you come along in fact!, and Stevie B Good, he's a songwriter i've known for a while, and he's very good, but he rarely plays live. This is your chance to hear him performing.
I also wanted to mention that the excellent Dave Keir (i'm not kidding, if you like fingerstyle guitar playing and intelligent songwriting Dave Keir's your man) is playing the featured act set at The Montague Bar at 8pm this Saturday (7 July) AND launching his new CD too! AND he's also hosting the Listening Room at The Blue Blazer on Sunday 8 July too. And all this is free! Hard to believe i know.
So yeah, i'll see you at all of that, UNLESS you don't live anywhere near Edinburgh in which case let me just grab your attention back by presenting you with a downloadable set from Darcy DaSilva. She's a very good performer of original folk music, from Moniaive in SW Scotland. Here she is performing with her band last November at The Listening Room (click). Enjoy! Also, you can find Darcy on Facebook, Myspace and Soundcloud too.
Now i also wanted to just tell you about a few bands i recently heard of, because you might enjoy them too. First one is Sproatly Smith. Sproatly Smith's recently released third album "The Minstrel's Grave" is the best album i've heard so far this year. Have a listen, be warned, it's not a dip in and out type album, it's best enjoyed as a full album of music, i think, so stick it on when you have time to listen to it, sit back and enjoy.
Also, in a sort of similar vein, but totally different too (because they're American, part from anything else), it's Andrew Rose Gregory & The Color Red Band, with their 2011 album "Song Of Songs". Andrew Rose Gregory is most well known for his "Auto-Tune The News" videos, but let me assure you this album is nothing like that! I particularly enjoyed the second side of the album myself (yes, i still think of every album as side one and side two).
And finally i just heard a German (i think) artist on BBC 6Music, and he's called Fai Baba. I could only find two songs on the internet that you can listen to but here they are anyway, Peach Orchard Mama and Ocean's Child. Hope you enjoy!
I'm busy writing songs this week, now that 50/90 has started, if you're a songwriter and you need a bit of inspiration to write some songs, then 50/90 is for you, and this week is the best time to join up.
One other thing, this blog has a comment facility so please do comment, with additional links, your music recommendations, discussion, jokes, etc etc, but this isn't just me telling you about stuff, you can get involved too, communication's a valuable tool, let's make this a community rather than just a blog.
Okay, have a good week, come along on Wednesday 11th if you can, and i'll see you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Right, the first thing i want to mention this week is the next Edinburgh Unlimited gig. It's special for a number of reasons, firstly it will be the LAST one to be held at The Third Door. It has been good at The Third Door, and it's enabled us to put on some electric bands and suchlike, but we'll be moving on to the Meadow Bar in September, so keep your eyes open for that, on this blog or on our FB page.
So here are the details: It's at The Third Door (which is next door to Negociants), it's at 8pm (don't be late because the music's starting at 8:15pm) and it's on Wednesday 11 July. It only costs £3 to get in, and the performers this month are: Caro Bridges (doing a special solo acoustic set for us), Katie Forbes (from the excellent band The Dull Fudds), Calum Carlyle (yes it's me, and i'll be launching my new single Strange Skies, you can get a FREE copy if you come along in fact!, and Stevie B Good, he's a songwriter i've known for a while, and he's very good, but he rarely plays live. This is your chance to hear him performing.
I also wanted to mention that the excellent Dave Keir (i'm not kidding, if you like fingerstyle guitar playing and intelligent songwriting Dave Keir's your man) is playing the featured act set at The Montague Bar at 8pm this Saturday (7 July) AND launching his new CD too! AND he's also hosting the Listening Room at The Blue Blazer on Sunday 8 July too. And all this is free! Hard to believe i know.
![]() |
Darcy DaSilva |
Now i also wanted to just tell you about a few bands i recently heard of, because you might enjoy them too. First one is Sproatly Smith. Sproatly Smith's recently released third album "The Minstrel's Grave" is the best album i've heard so far this year. Have a listen, be warned, it's not a dip in and out type album, it's best enjoyed as a full album of music, i think, so stick it on when you have time to listen to it, sit back and enjoy.
Also, in a sort of similar vein, but totally different too (because they're American, part from anything else), it's Andrew Rose Gregory & The Color Red Band, with their 2011 album "Song Of Songs". Andrew Rose Gregory is most well known for his "Auto-Tune The News" videos, but let me assure you this album is nothing like that! I particularly enjoyed the second side of the album myself (yes, i still think of every album as side one and side two).
And finally i just heard a German (i think) artist on BBC 6Music, and he's called Fai Baba. I could only find two songs on the internet that you can listen to but here they are anyway, Peach Orchard Mama and Ocean's Child. Hope you enjoy!
I'm busy writing songs this week, now that 50/90 has started, if you're a songwriter and you need a bit of inspiration to write some songs, then 50/90 is for you, and this week is the best time to join up.
One other thing, this blog has a comment facility so please do comment, with additional links, your music recommendations, discussion, jokes, etc etc, but this isn't just me telling you about stuff, you can get involved too, communication's a valuable tool, let's make this a community rather than just a blog.
Okay, have a good week, come along on Wednesday 11th if you can, and i'll see you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, UK
Friday, 29 June 2012
Caro Bridges - live downloadable mp3s!
Hello there everybody, how's it going?
Welcome to the first of my Edinburgh Unlimited blog posts. I'll be blogging about good music that comes my way. A lot of it will be from Edinburgh, but not all. Similarly this blog is for ANYONE in the WORLD who likes good music, so please tell all your friends to subscribe to this blog, if they like music. That should add up to a lot of people i'm thinking.
So why should you come back every week and check out the blog? Well because every week i'm going to be GIVING AWAY some free music, usually EXCLUSIVE to Edinburgh Unlimited (ie: unavailable anywhere else online or otherwise!). This week i've got two tracks for you by Caro Bridges, with Matt Norris on mandolin, recorded live at The Listening Room. Click here to download. I *strongly* recommend you check out Caro Bridges' officially released EP as well, it's very good.
Speaking of The Listening Room, it's an open mic night plus featured performer that happens every week at The Blue Blazer on Bread and Spittal Streets in Edinburgh. It's free, and it's on Sundays at 8pm. More information available here (click).
Now the other thing i wanted to mention to you is 5090, it's an online songwriting challenge. Anybody that wants to can challenge themselves to write up to (or more than!) 50 songs in 90 days, and the best part is there's a web hub where the participants give each other comments on their songs and co-write songs together etc etc. Honestly if you're a songwriter it is VERY fulfilling, and it's a great kick up the bum to get some songs written as well. I do know a lot of songwriters who would really benefit from this challenge, but sadly they are the ones most scared of actually getting involved. Overcome your inhibitions! More info about 5090 here (click).
Hmm, yes. Well, i'll be back next week with some more exclusive downloads, and more info for people who love music. Till then, take care and i'll see you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
Welcome to the first of my Edinburgh Unlimited blog posts. I'll be blogging about good music that comes my way. A lot of it will be from Edinburgh, but not all. Similarly this blog is for ANYONE in the WORLD who likes good music, so please tell all your friends to subscribe to this blog, if they like music. That should add up to a lot of people i'm thinking.
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Caro Bridges |
Speaking of The Listening Room, it's an open mic night plus featured performer that happens every week at The Blue Blazer on Bread and Spittal Streets in Edinburgh. It's free, and it's on Sundays at 8pm. More information available here (click).
Now the other thing i wanted to mention to you is 5090, it's an online songwriting challenge. Anybody that wants to can challenge themselves to write up to (or more than!) 50 songs in 90 days, and the best part is there's a web hub where the participants give each other comments on their songs and co-write songs together etc etc. Honestly if you're a songwriter it is VERY fulfilling, and it's a great kick up the bum to get some songs written as well. I do know a lot of songwriters who would really benefit from this challenge, but sadly they are the ones most scared of actually getting involved. Overcome your inhibitions! More info about 5090 here (click).
Hmm, yes. Well, i'll be back next week with some more exclusive downloads, and more info for people who love music. Till then, take care and i'll see you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
caro bridges,
matt norris,
Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, UK
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Hi everybody and welcome to Edinburgh Unlimited.
What is Edinburgh Unlimited? Well it's a live music showcase event, held on the second Wednesday of each month in Edinburgh, HOWEVER it is now something else as well.
Edinburgh Unlimited is now an online music blog, written by me, Calum Carlyle. I'll be sharing my thoughts about music, listing upcoming gig details, and posting links to music pages and exclusive downloads.We should be adding podcasts at some point as well.
And it's not limited to Edinburgh's music scene either. If you live anywhere in the world, subscribe and stay tuned for some interesting and exciting new music, and if you'd like your music to be featured on the blog, please get in touch with links, details, fan mail, whatever! It's: edinburghunlimited@gmail.com
See you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
What is Edinburgh Unlimited? Well it's a live music showcase event, held on the second Wednesday of each month in Edinburgh, HOWEVER it is now something else as well.
Edinburgh Unlimited is now an online music blog, written by me, Calum Carlyle. I'll be sharing my thoughts about music, listing upcoming gig details, and posting links to music pages and exclusive downloads.We should be adding podcasts at some point as well.
And it's not limited to Edinburgh's music scene either. If you live anywhere in the world, subscribe and stay tuned for some interesting and exciting new music, and if you'd like your music to be featured on the blog, please get in touch with links, details, fan mail, whatever! It's: edinburghunlimited@gmail.com
See you out there in Musicland!
Calum Carlyle
Edinburgh Unlimited
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